Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Just for the goof

Got up at just before six this morning and went out for a run. I ran my standard Prospect Park Four-mile run in 35:15. It's a crazy run for someone like me who takes so long to get warm and loose -- first mile is uphill, but at least you can sprint the last downhill mile home. I ran it with Max in the jogging stroller a few weekends ago and almost died. I'm not in great shape, and there I was pushing all 43+ pounds of him, plus the stroller, up that damn hill. He really likes coming in the jogging stroller -- always has -- particularly since we've made a ritual of ending the runs together at Blue Sky Bakery. In any event, no Max this morning, no delicious muffin awaiting me at the end; just the ridiculously beautiful weather and The Killers blaring through my iPod.

This is the first fall that I've been running just for the goof, or to just keep in shape for shape's sake, I suppose. Last year, of course, I was training for the marathon, and for the several autumns before that I was running to keep in shape for ultimate. For me, at least, it is hard to push myself with no tangible goal driving me. When confronted in the past with the opportunity of shortening a difficult run or taking a more leisurely pace, I could always say to myself, "you're cheating nobody but yourself," or I could kick it in for the final stretch of a run by visualizing myself chasing down a disc. Now? All I got now is the fear of becoming the fat guy. And let's be realistic, I'd have to work pretty hard to become the fat guy. Mark and I have talked about running a half-marathon or two next year, and I've been thinking about trying to find a good team-relay long distance event to run with folks. I think I need to focus on a future event or it is going to be hard to get out there when the weather turns cold.

Also, a good cardio regimen is likely keeping me alive through this final week of the baseball season. Mets' lead is down to one frickin game. I can't stand it.

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