Thursday, September 13, 2007

Gotta start somewhere

Here I am, dipping my toes into the blogosphere. Eeeeh, that tickles.

Why shouldn't I have a blog? Lord knows, I have a lot to say, about nothing and everything. I've often thought, over the past year or two, that "if I had a blog, I think I would write about X event that just happened or Y thought I just had, and then someone will read it and they will change their diet, sports allegiances, or maybe even their middle name."

Like my iPod telepathy. That should be written about. Every once in a while, but more often than one would expect, I'll get a random song in my head and then that song will come up as I'm listening to my iPod in shuffle mode. I have over 2600 songs on my iPod. That one of them randomly comes up in shuffle mode after I've thought about that makes you wonder what someone like me could do if I became an evildoer. For example, the other night I'm bathing my kids and the song "Slit Skirts" by Pete Townsend pops into my head. This raises a few interesting questions, such as "why would bathing small naked kids make you want to sing about slit skirts?" or "Pete Townsend? Are you fucking kidding me?" All reasonable questions, not to be answered right now. The very next day, however, walking up Fordham Road from the train, got the iPod on in shuffle mode, and the second or third song that comes on is "Slit Skirts."


I also feel like I need a blog because my wife, Cathleen, started her own blog as a repository of observations and anecdotes about our two amazing children but she writes blog entries with the frequency of a lunar eclipse. I need to pick up the slack.

I was going to start this blog two days ago. On September 11th. But then I realized that that was probably the worst day to begin a venture into self-serving self-absorption. So I didn't. But I was walking the dogs at night, and I saw the Towers of Light, and I was briefly in touch with all of my 9-11 thoughts that surface from time. Such as my memories of the day (and the next day and more of the next day). And, of course, I inevitably think of my high school friend, Lisa Beamer (nee Lisa Brosious), and I wonder what she is up to. Oh, she has a wikipedia entry. Eeew.

In any event, this is the beginning. Its mostly purposeless, but it might be fun. Or I might abandon it before I even tell anyone I've started it.

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