Thursday, October 11, 2007

Salutations, oh grandiose sphincter!

There's this building on Fourth Avenue that I walk past every night when I walk the dogs which bears two different billboard-sized advertisements. Actually, maybe they are billboards. For the past few weeks, there was this McDonalds ad that had a huge picture of a burger, and then the words: "Hello New York. Meet Big Angus."

Almost every single time I would glance up at that sign, my eyes would fail to see the "g" in the last word, and I would do the same double-take over and over again. The ad has finally been replaced.

Any thoughts, Dr. Freud?

1 comment:

Dick Handler said...

I would start to get a little worried...look at your last again used the term asshole.....hmmmm...kind of a fixation or something.

Perhaps you are thinking of going back to school to be a Gastroenterologist?