Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Must they?

Be such assholes?

I don't think that I had been in Bronx housing court for almost two weeks, and so returning there this morning felt a little numbing. It is easy to forget that the world inside that building operates on its own rules, where it is OK for dim-witted and sleazy landlord attorneys to exploit every angle in manipulating low-income, uninformed, and often under-educated pro se tenants into signing crappy and abusive settlement stipulations that are eagerly rubber-stamped by corrupt or disinterested judges.

Maybe I'll share stories some other time, as the stories often horrify, but it is the day-to-day injustices that are doled out in the hallways and courtrooms there, and the utter lack of professionalism regularly displayed by the majority of the landlord's bar, that continues to make my blood boil after more than seven years of legal practice there. Grrrrr. I do, however, love to fuck them up. Rarrh.


Dick Handler said...

Since I have been in private practice, I have a new found respect for the legal profession. My lawyer is who I turn to for pretty much EVERYTHING that happens to me. Now that I own several corporations (my practice and part of a dialysis center), I have only begun to understand the importance of the law and how it binds our society together. It really is a fantastic system. I can see myself following in my lawyer's footsteps one day. (He was a Urologist, then after 20 yrs, went back to school and became a health care certified laywer.) I can see myself doing that one day perhaps.

Rick- Have you ever done any Qui Tam cases.... We are working on one down here...if you are interested, email me and I will explain...

rick said...

A urologist became a lawyer? If you're going to feed me material, Rich, at least give me a challenge.